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Snowy owls (Bubo Scandiacus) are carnivorous solitary birds. Male snowy owls are all-white in color. They have black beak and yellow eyes. Females have dark ...

Long-eared owls (Asia Otus) occur in North America, Asia and Europe. They belong to the family of true owls. It is a medium-sized bird. It has orange eyes and ...

Great horned owl (Bubo Virginianus) is the most wide-ranging species of owl in America. Its feet are covered with feathers and are second longest in size among ...

Great Gray Owl (Strix Nebulosa) is the largest species of owl in the world. Among all predatory birds, it has the largest facial disc and it also lacks ear ...

Eagle-Owl (Bubo Bubo) is one of the world’s largest owl species. It is also one of the most wide-ranging species of owl. It is a nocturnal bird and hunts small ...

Elf owl (Micrathene Whitneyi) is the lightest owl in the world. It inhabits southern United States and Mexico. In order to deceive the predator, elf owl acts ...

Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) is a small owl with long legs. It is native to the South and North America. Burrowing owls nest in burrows and produce ...

Barn owl (Tyto alba) is a medium-sized owl. It has a mottled appearance of grayish-brown color with long wings. Its facial disc is shaped like a heart and its ...

The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is often referred to as koala bear perhaps inaccurately because koalas are not bears. They are marsupials. Koala lives in ...

The brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa) lives in the United States. It has a light brown to medium brown body. Other names of brown recluse spider are ...

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