The Guide you Need to Pet your Tarantulas Right

The Guide you Need to Pet your Tarantulas Right

There are regular pets and then there are exotic pets. If you are a digger for unconventional yet popular pets, tarantulas are the one to go for. On top of that, the word is they make great pets when properly cared for! While exploring for something “different” for your eccentric taste, you might find these tiny and neat creatures as your favorites. Let’s get to know these species to pet them right.


Home for tarantulas?

This is probably the first question that you might ask when thinking of petting a tarantula. Housing your tarantulas require a little concentration. You have to choose a spacious home for your special tiny spider. A large aquarium of 20 gallons or more can make a comfortable life for your pet spider. However, the task does not end here. There are some other specific factors that you need to pay attention to. Tarantulas require a quiet room with dim lights to keep them stress-free. If you are not aware, they are shy sensitive babies who prefer light temperatures and hiding places. Also, make sure to get a tight top screen to restrict your tarantula from escaping.   

Food for Tarantulas

These tiny little creatures like their food alive and fresh. Yes, you need to serve your tarantula a fresh bunch of insects such as silkworms, crickets, roaches, mealworms, and many more. There are plenty to choose from for your carnivore pet. Young prey like mice is also a messier source of food for tarantulas. Keep in mind not to overfeed your spider with loads of insects at once, even though it might make your work easy. This may lead to an injured tarantula from an insect bite. A good practice would be to remove the leftover food within 10 minutes after serving the tarantula. Feeding your tarantula 3-4 times a week should be sufficient.

Species of Tarantulas

If you haven’t been keeping up with the tabloids, Tarantulas are becoming popular for being the ideal pets these days. What’s more tempting is the fact that there are more than 800 species of tarantulas. Of course, some are more desirable than others. If you are new, you may want to start with a submissive one. So your best options would be burrowers, ground dwellers, etc. Cobalt Blue Tarantula can make one of the most fascinating pets. It is pleasing to look at due to its blue metallic color. However, it is ready to hold its ground and attack when sensing any kind of threat. Hence, it is suitable for people who have some experience with petting spiders. Another one of the popular tarantulas is the Chile Rose because of its docile nature and low price.  

Veterinary Care

You may have heard that a pet is equivalent to having babies.  Even though you may debate against it, you might get worried about your pet occasionally. There are two main reasons you need to take your spider to a veterinarian. A pretty common infection in tarantulas is the oral nematodes. A veterinarian would simply cure it by removing the nematodes after anesthetizing the spider. The signs of the infection are lower appetite and noticeable white substances around the tarantula’s mouth. However, prevention is better than cure. A good way to avoid such infections is to know that it does not affect the ones that hatch in captivity.

Another reason to visit the vet is the tarantulas molting process. The molting process involves the spider let go of its exoskeleton to endorse a new one. During this period there may be some behavioral changes in your pet. It might stop eating, making you rush it to a vet. The right step is to leave the tarantula alone while it molts. A spider will lay on its back to molt. It may take 15 minutes to a whole day to complete the process. On top of having an exotic pet, you now have an empty exoskeleton to show to your friends. You can always contact your veterinarian to learn more about petting a tarantula and how you can take the best care.  

Can you Handle your Tarantula?

A frequently asked question is how well can you handle your tarantula? Well if you want to pet one, you need to consider some important factors. To hold a tarantula without hurting or getting hurt, you need to understand its characteristics. If you want to be holding one, you probably need to choose one with docile characteristics. An aggressive or fast-moving spider may not be suitable for such activities. That is why it is necessary to do your research to know what to buy when you are planning to pet one.

Also consider the safety issue for the tarantula, who tends to have fragile body parts such as the abdomen. So, while holding your tarantulas from a height make sure to have a soft surface for landing, or your tarantula might get seriously injured. The most accurate method is to position your hand flatly beside your spider then try to gently cajole it towards your hand by using a harmless tool. Maybe a simple pencil or pen. Also, make sure your hands aren’t full as the spider needs a platform to walk.   


Tarantulas are good creatures which with proper care have a lifespan of over 20 years. There are plenty of good reasons to pet such exotic creatures. If you want to know more do not hesitate to contact your exotic veterinarian and learn more about tarantulas. Remember the more you know, the better care you can take! Recap our guide to learn the most about the favorites!

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