Giant Panda Facts for Kids – Fun Facts and Information

giant panda facts

Do you want to learn some of the most interesting giant panda facts for kids? The giant panda bear (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a black-and-white bear species. It is the only panda bear which is native to south China. Giant panda is an exclusively bamboo-eater. The giant panda is also called panda or panda bear. Let’s get to know all about giant panda.

Giant Panda Facts for Kids

Habitat: Giant panda makes habitat in bamboo forests. They are found in the Qinling Mountains as well as in Sichuan.

Adult males are heavier than the females. They weigh up to 350 pounds whereas females weigh 150 pounds.

Description: They possess one of the longest tails of all bears—second only to sloth bear’s tail. Giant pandas have 10 – 15 cm long tail.

Diet: Giant pangiant panda factsdas rely almost entirely on bamboo which makes up 99% of the bear’s diet. It is thought to consume as much as 20 – 30 pounds of bamboo a day. That is not to say that pandas are herbivorous. Giant pandas are carnivores and they possess the same digestive system as other land carnivorous do. Pandas feed on 25 species of bamboo.

The panda establishes its territory and spends much of its time foraging and feeding on bamboo.

Like most bear species, giant pandas also live alone. They are mostly most active at dawn and dusk.

Predators: Giant pandas do not have any natural predators in the wild. They can afford to be active at day as well as at night.

Reproduction: They will reach maturity at 4 to 8 years age. The mating season occurs in March and May. The female produces twins after a long gestation period of 95 – 160 days. One of the two cubs is more likely to survive. Cubs weigh 90 – 130 grams at birth.

Lifespan: Giant pandas have a lifespan of 20 years in the wild. The captive bear can live as long as 30 years.

Population: There are 1,800 to 1,900 giant pandas living in the wild.

Giant Panda Facts for Kids – Video

Kids Animals Facts