Weaver Ants Facts for Kids

weaver ants facts

Weaver ants are arboreal species. True to their name the weaver ants build nests by weaving together leaves via larval silk.  They are thought to live in large colonies. They are also called green ants or tree ants.

Weaver Ants 🐜Facts

Worker ants reach a size of 8 – 10 mm in length. They are major ants. Minor ants are only half the size of major workers.

They have varied colors but most of them appear reddish brown.

Weaver ants live in Western Australia, Sri Lanka, and Melanesia.

They will make habitats in tropical coastal areas, tropical or subtropical woodlands.

Weaver anweaver ants factsts eat tiny insects as well as honeydew.

They will construct nests nearly the size of a soccer ball. Weaver ants communicate each other with antennae and forelegs. In order to communicate the ants leave some scents which are detected by others. The scent carries specific messages.

Worker ants not only defend the colony from intruders—they will bring food and expand the colony as well. Minor ants will do the job inside the nest such as guarding the young ants.

They live in large colonies consisting of hundreds of individuals. Like most other ants, weaver ants also live in highly cooperative societies led by a queen. In ants’ colony the individual doesn’t seem to count—it is the social harmony between individual ants that really competes in the survival.

Kids Animals Facts